Oct 24 2023

Reflecting on Alimak’s Proud Moments in Time

Alimak has a rich history spanning over 75 years, marked by innovative achievements and visionary leadership. Founded in 1948 by Alvar Lindmark, an engineer with a penchant for ground-breaking inventions, the company quickly became known for its pioneering contributions to vertical access solutions.

Having succeeded in his prior ventures whilst working in the construction industry, Lindmark patented his first invention, the mortar mixer and launched it on the market by employing a used engine and some old plumbing parts. From here, Lindmark shifted his focus towards creating industrial elevators, construction hoists, and work platforms. This transition led to establishing his enterprise in 1948, operating under the Swedish name Ingenjörsfirman Alvar N. Lindmark Aktiebolag.

One of Alimak’s early milestones came in 1953 when it introduced the world’s first steel-construction passenger hoist. This invention revolutionised vertical transportation in the construction industry and set the stage for Alimak’s future innovations. In 1956, the company made another significant breakthrough by introducing the first rack-and-pinion mast climbing work platform, transforming access solutions for construction projects, emphasising efficiency and safety.

However, Alvar Lindmark’s inventive spirit extended beyond vertical access systems. In the 1970s, he created an electrified and crash-proof car, responding to environmental concerns about car pollution. The “Alive” car, designed to run on a revolutionary “sodium water battery,” promised an impressive driving range of 3,000 kilometres between battery changes.

Unfortunately, Alvar Lindmark’s dream of a safe and eco-friendly car was never realised, as he passed away in 1975. His innovative ideas, often ahead of their time, inspire Alimak’s commitment to progress and sustainability.

As Alimak reflects on our proud history, it celebrates a legacy of visionary leadership and pioneering achievements. The company remains dedicated to advancing vertical access solutions and continues honouring our founder’s spirit of innovation.

Get in touch for more information about Alimak’s range of vertical access solutions.